It's that time of year again! I can hardly believe we're at the beginning of a new year already!
It's bound to happen... people will make posts; (wait, isn't that what I'm doing...) either with a list of all their resolutions, or condemning resolutions with an "I'm too good for that" attitude. I'll admit for a while I was one of those "Resolutions are dumb, why would I make any?" kind of people. And now? Well, I guess it really doesn't matter to me whether someone wants to make resolutions or not. There's definitely always room for improvement. We'll never "arrive" or be perfect in this life on earth, (which by the way isn't a good reason not to try.)
What I'm not a huge fan of, is the joke about how "no one ever stays committed to their goals so don't expect to make it very far". And then the whole mentality that you can only make changes for the better at the beginning of the year, or at the start of the month, or on Monday. Like, um wat? That's just a nice sneaky way to procrastinate because "it's not the right day". Time for a little change in our mentality here guys. I don't think waiting for tomorrow is such a great idea. It may feel nice to put off having to put effort into something, (but speaking from experience) that just starts this not so nice cycle of never starting in the first place!
I don't think God is a fan of procrastination, or us being content to just be average. I believe we need to DAILY strive to be more like Christ. Don't wait for right day to start, because today is the right day! Even if it's Thursday, or June, or 6:02 in Timbucktwo! And when you fail, make mistakes, and screw things up, don't give up. God gives grace for a second chance, (and He is also the source of strength to not give up)

"The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich." Proverbs 13:4

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.


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