
Oh the joys of dishes! Never ending are they not? So at our house doing the dishes is my responsibility. So day after day (sometimes not every day) I get the joy of tackling a pile of dishes. Which can be quite satisfying when you are all done, and you look around the kitchen and the counters are clean, and your job is done! Though at other times can just be a bore. (though good music usually helps with that :) ) I was sure, there must be some sort of poem about dishes out there and I found two that I liked. 

Thank God for Dirty dishes
They have a tale to tell.
While other may go hungry,
We're eating very well.
With home, health, and hapiness
I shouldn't want to fuss
By the stack of evidence,
God's been very good to us.


Please be a dear
Do your dishes here
For if you do not
The house will be wrought
With people dismayed 
By the mess that's displayed
And hence are not able
To dine at the table
For lack of clean dishes
Restricts their good wishes

Usually you don't run out of dishes because they are all dirty. :D But hey! you never know. I have never thought about dishes the way the first poem puts it. How true it is though! :) I thought I'd show you my pile of conquered dishes......


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