
I meant to do this sooner...
But my brother, two of my friends and I went down to New Tribes Bible Institute for their "Prospective Student" weekend thing (we also went down to visit my sister Katie who goes there (: ) And I LOVED it!

We got to sit in on classes and we played lots of baskeball and soccer, ate delicious food, met amazing people, but what I really liked the most was being surrounded by people of the same heart and mind (missions) not to say that everyone thinks and agrees on certain Biblical issues and stuff but just the passion there for unreached people is amazing!

Here is a translation of an Amto Village letter asking for a missionary...

"Yes, you people of the mission. Why are you being humbugs (big headed)? Do your stomachs have a good fashion? If your stomachs agree with us, then you will hear our cry and come quickly. Are you people true Christians? If you people are true Christians, you will hear our cry and come. We are very close to dying all over the place now. In Papua New Guinea, we die one right after another. So, I ask you- why do you humbug and not hear our cry? We have been asking for a missionary forever! Some men and women have died since we first asked you. I think it will never happen! No one will come to the Amto village. The mission makes empty promises. You haven't said what month, what day, or what week. You only look. Why? You have never shown your face."
*The Amto tribe is just one of 3,000 people groups who still do not know Christ.

37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."
Matthew 9:37-38

Then if you look into the beginning of chapter 10 Jesus then gathers the disciples and basically says now that we've prayed for the Lord to send out laborers to the harvest, now I'm gonna send you!

What are we doing sitting around?


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